Nuxas - copper

Copper can be red with a yellow tint - this is Cypriot copper and it is excellent copper, and it can also be bright red, as well as red with a black tint. There is also a type of copper called talikun. Burnt copper is pungent and also slightly astringent. If washed, it is an excellent medicine that closes wounds in people with a soft body, and without washing, in people with a dense body.

“Copper color” is more rarefied than copper itself.

Hot, dry to the third degree.

Actions and properties.
Burnt copper has astringent properties, sharpness and the ability to heal wounds. One of the supposed properties of copper is that plucking hair with talikun tongs supposedly prevents its growth.

Copper heals malignant creeping ulcers, prevents them from spreading and eats up excess meat. Washed copper heals wounds. It is said that if copper is rubbed with honey, it will help with hardened and dried ulcers in people with dense bodies.

Organs of the eye.
Copper sharpens vision and is useful for hardening of the eyelids.

Eruption organs.
Copper, if drunk with water sweetened with honey, drives out “yellow WATER,” and if the palate is lubricated with it, it induces vomiting; At one time it is given to drink two and a half bowls. Copper drives water without causing suffering.

You should be careful not to leave salty, bitter and fatty foods in copper vessels, such as butter and meat, as well as sour or sweet foods, and to drink from such vessels, because they necessarily emit verdigris, which is a deadly poison.