Bronchitis Catarrhal

Bronchitis Catarrhal is a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and small airways. Acute catarrhal bronchitis is usually mild and is caused by a viral infection. This condition can be quite common and affects many people.

Catarrhal bronchitis is usually caused by influenza or cold viruses. The infection spreads to the bronchi and small airways, causing inflammation and mucus formation in the lungs. Symptoms of catarrhal bronchitis include runny nose, cough, difficulty breathing, fever and general weakness. Symptoms usually go away within 2-3 weeks, but sometimes the illness can last longer.

Treatment for catarrhal bronchitis includes the use of medications to relieve symptoms, such as cough medicines, sprays, and mucolytics. Antibiotics may also be required if the illness is caused by a bacterial infection. It is also important to drink enough fluids and avoid smoking and other respiratory irritants.

However, catarrhal bronchitis can be dangerous for people with other conditions such as asthma or