Bronchitis Putrid

Putritis bronchitis or uric acid bronchitis is an infectious inflammatory disease of the respiratory system caused by Staphylococcus aureus, against which respiratory infections develop. It is rare; patients often have chronic respiratory diseases and previous bronchial infections.

Bronchitis is usually called an inflammatory process that involves one or more segments (lobes) of one of the bronchi or all branches of the large bronchi along its length. Acute bronchitis is characterized by a sudden onset, a vivid clinical picture of the disease, often with the development of acute bronchitis, especially in the presence of concomitant diseases. Chronic bronchitis accounts for about 50% of respiratory diseases.

The causes of the disease include:

hypothermia of the body; mechanical irritation of the trachea and bronchi by foreign bodies and toxins; organic and allergic nature of the disease; entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the bronchi and activation of resident microflora; concomitant diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, measles, influenza, etc.).

There are a number of factors that predispose to the development of acute bronchitis: - hypothermia; impaired immune status; chronic bronchopulmonary diseases; history of acute viral bronchopulmonary infections;

If we are talking about chronic bronchitis, then the starting point for its development can be: - everyday factors - working in harmful conditions, smoking; habitual lack of sleep; vitamin deficiency; congenital abnormalities of the respiratory system; family history. Acute obstructive bronchitis is an acute bacterial infection, accompanied primarily by an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial tree and the involvement of small and medium-sized bronchi in the pathological process without further spread of the inflammatory process. In most cases, acute obstructive bronchitis is of a bacterial nature, but viral lesions are often encountered, which for one reason or another occur with similar symptoms.

The most dangerous complication of bronchitis is pulmonary edema, which can occur even during the recovery stage in a completely cured person.

The best way to treat this disease is to immediately consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. However, there are several ways to treat bronchitis at home: 1. It is necessary to constantly take medications containing antibacterial components. 2. To eliminate inflammation (cough, bronchospasm, etc.) you should drink a lot of warm milk with honey. If shortness of breath is present, taking some corticosteroid medication may be helpful. They will help eliminate all the symptoms of bronchitis and return you to normal life as quickly as possible.