
Bronchokinemography is a method that allows you to visualize the functioning of the respiratory tract and lungs in real time. This can be useful for diagnosing respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and others.

Bronchocinematography is based on the use of special devices that make it possible to record lung movements on video. The method is quite simple and does not require special skills. During the procedure, the patient sits or lies on a table, after which the doctor conducts an external examination and inserts a special device into the patient’s nose. This device records the movements of the diaphragm and allows you to see the state of the airways at the moment. To further assess your health, your doctor may perform test breaths and exhalations.

This method is used to assess the work of breathing in children and adults, to obtain information about the patency of the airways, to determine the cause of shortness of breath, and pulmonary ventilation disorders. Most modern bronchokinemography techniques are not accompanied by the use of inhalers, which makes it possible to determine whether the patient had any degree of obstruction and what type.

Sometimes bronchokinematics is used to establish the diagnosis of asthma. This is necessary to know for sure that there is some form of disease, which will allow you to correctly prescribe treatment. Asthma is treated with inhaled medications, which deliver medications directly into the bronchi.

Video recordings allow the doctor to carefully examine changes in the patient’s lung function and draw appropriate conclusions, which then influence the development of an accurate treatment plan. Also, these pictures help to clearly explain to the patient the essence of the disease and the reasons for the appearance of symptoms, and prescribe the correct treatment for the fastest possible recovery of the body. In general, bronchokinemotography is quite effective, which has been confirmed by studies and many years of