Bronchitis Hypertrophic

With hypertrophic bronchitis, the process begins to form under the mucous membrane, increasing and destroying it. Bisensitization leads to the development of inflammation and compression of the walls of the bronchi, which can lead to atrophy of the mucous membranes. Characteristic is the formation of mucus on the outer surface, which comes off when coughing.

Most often, hypertrophic processes are associated with bronchitis of smokers, but they can also arise for other reasons - for example, pneumonia of infectious origin or obstruction of the bronchi due to emphysema. It is important to know that the treatment of this disease begins not only with the use of tablets for colds, but also requires a change in lifestyle and diet.

Symptoms of the hypertrophic process often begin in the first stages: shortness of breath, coughing at night or in the morning, and breathing problems may occur. Subsequently, more serious symptoms appear:

• Attacks of dry cough during sleep and after waking up;

• Severe fatigue, muscle pain at night;

• Deterioration of heart function (tachycardia, arrhythmia, shortness of breath even with minor physical exertion);

• Frequent paleness of the skin;

If we are talking about a chronic disease that lasts a year or more or is accompanied by serious symptoms, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help. The sooner the diagnosis begins and the reasons for treatment are set, the higher the chances of recovery and stopping the development of pathology.

Hypertrophic bronchitis is much less common than acute bronchitis, but has its own characteristic features. Timely identification of symptoms is required, as well as clear diagnosis to avoid serious consequences and complications.