
Bruxomania is a disease that manifests itself in the form of teeth grinding during sleep. It is chronic and can last for more than one week.

Bruxomania can be caused by stress, fatigue, mental disorders, health problems, and certain medications. People suffering

There is no consensus among doctors about the origin of the term “bruxism.” Teodoro Colla, a dentistry teacher at the University of Milan, who treated a wealthy Brazilian general at the beginning of the 19th century, was probably the first to use this word to describe teeth grinding. The modern medical concept, like the synonym “bruxology,” was developed by the American dentist Lionard J. Cardona, which is why he is considered the author of this name. According to one of the hypotheses from lat. bruxum came from the word “marriage,” which Cardon liked better. He adapted it by analogy to the term “helminthology” - “rodent science”, taking the suffix from there and adding “a” to the root of Greek origin.

Bruxism is most often referred to as the habit of clenching the jaw at night. But this is a false statement. Bruxism is a disease that is usually accompanied by another pathology. Now they put an equal sign between them due to the fact that in English-speaking countries “