Buckthorn Extract Dry

Dry buckthorn extract: description, composition and application

Alder buckthorn, or simply buckthorn, is a plant that is often used as a laxative. It contains anthracene derivatives, triterpene compounds and resins that have a mild laxative effect. One of the ways to use buckthorn is its dry extract, which is produced by the pharmaceutical company Pharm-Group.

Dry buckthorn extract can be used for chronic constipation. This means it may be useful for people who have problems with stool frequency and quality. It helps increase the volume and improve the consistency of stool, making it easier to pass out of the body.

There are no known contraindications, side effects or interactions for dry buckthorn extract. Also, no data have been found on how an overabundance of this drug can affect human health.

However, before taking buckthorn extract dry, you should consult your doctor. He will be able to assess your health status and make recommendations on dosage and duration of use.

So, dry buckthorn extract is a drug that can help combat chronic constipation. It contains anthracene derivatives, triterpene compounds and resins that have a mild laxative effect. Its use does not lead to side effects, but you should consult your doctor before taking it.