Bull Donovana, Or Donovanose

Immediately after infection, the disease does not manifest itself in any way. Some time passes: it could be 24 hours or 50 days. A small, 3-5 mm, but very pink spot appears at the site of the Donovan body implantation. Donovanosis has many names: Donovanosis, venereal disease V, inguinal granulomatosis, ulcerative granulomatosis, tropical inguinal granulomatosis. The disease is common in Asia and Africa.

The cause of the disease is this: a small bean-shaped bacterium Kalimmatobacterium Glanulomatis, or Donovan's body, or the Aragan-Vianne bacillus.

Manifestations: immediately after infection, the disease does not manifest itself in any way. Some time passes, it could be 24 hours or 50 days. At the site of Donovan’s implantation, or rather, his body, a small, 3-5 mm, but very pink spot appears. In 14 days, the spot grows to 4 cm in diameter and becomes a real ulcer, which smells unpleasant. The ulcer is steadily growing in breadth. The edges of the ulcerative defect are uneven and raised.

Immune cells (white blood cells, macrophages) try to resist the Donovan body, bravely eat it, but cannot digest it - the intestine is small. As a result, our defenders become Trojan horses, with them the bacteria spread throughout the body. Self-healing of the disease does not occur.

Manifestations on the skin appear 3-4 years after the onset of the disease. In an era before antibiotics were invented, people suffered from ulcers for decades.

How to treat: Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. Broad-spectrum antibiotics such as Rocephin, penicillins, sulfonamides (Baktrim) are used in special concentrations.


  1. Use of condoms treated with spermicide "NONOXINOL-9";
  2. Exclusion of casual sexual contacts with residents of Asia and Africa;
  3. Use antiseptics such as Gi-bitan, Miramistin, Tsidipol within two hours after sexual contact.