Bus rava balah – young and green dates

They are known and found in hot countries. Cold, dry to the second degree. Young dates knit more than old ones.

Actions and properties.
They swell, especially if you immediately wash them down with water. When the dates begin to become sweet, they cause strong rumbling and create blockages in the insides.

A decoction of young dates suppresses heat while preserving the innate warmth. Excessive consumption of both dates produces thick juices in the body.

Organs of the head.
Young dates cause headaches, and large quantities can cause intoxication. They are good for gums and the meat adjacent to the teeth.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Both are good for the chest and lungs.

Nutritional organs.
They tan the stomach, cause blockages in the liver and are slowly digested, and crumbly dates are even worse digested and have little nutritional value; sweet dates are not digested so slowly.

Eruption organs.
Both dates strengthen the stomach, especially if mixed with vinegar or tart wine.

Green dates increase the amount of urine, and if you drink them with a vinegar infusion of ink nuts, they stop discharge from the uterus and bleeding from kidney cones.

Excessive consumption of both dates gives you chills and causes “goose bumps”.