
Camphor is a crystalline substance that is obtained from camphor trees of the Laurel family (Lauraceae). It has a strong odor and is used medicinally to treat flatulence and other diseases.

Camphor is used in the form of oil, which contains about 10% camphor. It is used to prepare liniments - ointments that are applied to the skin to relieve irritation and inflammation.

When used, camphor can cause allergic reactions, so you should consult your doctor before use. In addition, camphor is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In general, camphor is an effective remedy for the treatment of many diseases, but before using it, you must consult a doctor and follow all recommendations for use.

Camphor is a crystalline substance with a pleasant aroma that is obtained from the camphor tree. It is used to treat flatulence and as an ingredient in various medications and cosmetic products.

Camphor is an effective remedy for reducing gas formation and relieving symptoms of flatulence. It works by reducing acidity levels in the intestines and reducing the amount of gas. This helps improve digestion and reduce discomfort associated with flatulence.

To use camphor as a medicine, it can be used in powder or oil form. Camphor oil, also known as camphor oil, is a liquid with a characteristic camphor odor. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology to relieve skin irritation.

Camphor oil can also be used as an ingredient to make liniments. Liniments are creamy medications that are used to treat skin conditions such as itching, rashes and other skin irritations. They may contain camphor as an active ingredient.

However, it should be noted that camphor may have side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, before using camphor to treat flatulence or other health problems, you should consult your doctor.

Camphor (Camphor Oil): Approved for use by numerous leading European clinical research societies Camphor is a white, resinous substance that is obtained from the gum (glandular growths that form on the trunks and branches of tropical trees of the genus Cinnamomm) of various species of camphor trees of the family Lauraceae. The scientific name of the raw material in Latin is camphorum copositus anacardium.

Now camphor is widely used, and the scope of its use is constantly expanding. It is indispensable in medicine and can be used in cosmetology and other fields. Use of camphor in medicine Castor oil is part of the group of universal therapeutic agents with many indications. But his ability to “absorb” emotions alone is not enough to cure any disease. The ear candy is that the substance softens the compaction of the lung tissue (foci) and promotes the removal of mucus during inflammation of the respiratory tract and lungs. And most importantly, the product fights not only infections, but also the vital activity of parasites of various types and levels. Camphor is no stranger to toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy. The active substance eliminates some symptoms during the menstrual cycle. During an attack of nausea, alcohol or oil camphor will help, which will relieve pain in the epigastric region caused by neurosis. It is believed that most pain in the liver is psychosomatic in nature, which is why the effect of camphor will be noticeable within 5-15 minutes after administration. If you have pancreatic discomfort (shingles, acute), you should drink half a glass of water, then a nitroglycerin tablet or an hour later another dose of the same remedy. Both a middle-aged person and a child will endure physical activity more easily if they are first given hot milk with camphor. After the birth of the baby, it will be useful to carry out a course of therapy with camphor essential oil, as it stimulates intestinal motility and accelerates the process of excretion of meconium. A safer solution, an aqueous solution of vinegar, can handle a similar task. At the first signs of bronchial asthma, inhalation of camphor oil vapor will help. Self-medication should not be carried out without fear, especially in children: young patients are more susceptible