
Camptocormia is also called spinal hyperextension syndrome. The name alone is terrifying. So you have the motivation to get to the bottom of the problem. What is this condition, what consequences arise, diagnosis.

Syndrome of hyperextension disease of the spine. The first word in the name comes from the Greek words “kampto” - to bend and “kormos” - torso. While you are frantically trying to understand what disease we are talking about here, I will explain what camptocormia is.

Camptocormia is a disease of the spine in which it loses flexibility. With camptocormia, a person experiences pain in the neck, thoracic region, lower back and even hips. There is a feeling that the spine is being pulled behind the head, the person tries to raise his head, but it remains lying on the neck. Doctors note that at the moment when the patient begins to move his head down forward, the body is intuitively twisted first in