
A canine is the third tooth from the center of each human jaw. In total, a person has four of them, two on each side. Fangs are present in both young and adult dentition.

The canine, also known as the eye tooth, is one of the sharpest and strongest teeth in the human body. It has a triangular shape and is located on the lower jaw, in close proximity to the front teeth.

The main function of the fangs is to hold and tear food. They also play an important role in protection and defense. On the upper jaw, the fangs can be used for biting, and on the lower jaw - for tearing and holding food.

However, we should not forget that canines are not only functional teeth, but also aesthetic ones. They can be attractive and complement your smile.

If you notice any problems with your fangs, such as chips, cracks or increased sensitivity, you should contact your dentist for advice and treatment.

Overall, canines are important teeth in our body and require regular care and examination by a dentist.

The canine is the third tooth from the midline of each jaw, which is located between the first and second molars. Humans have only four fangs: two each on the upper and lower jaws. These teeth are present in both the primary and adult dentition.

Canines are often called “eye teeth” or “main teeth” in the literature, although this is not an entirely accurate name. The canines play an important role in the chewing process and help chew hard foods. They are also part of the temporomandibular joint and are involved in jaw movement.

However, fangs can cause some health problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease. To keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush your teeth regularly and visit your dentist for checkups.

Canines are always an interesting topic in dentistry and require our attention, as they are teeth that often prove problematic for patients. They have the interesting characteristic that they are the hardest and therefore most vulnerable human teeth. Let's figure out how to protect such an important part of our body and why it is worth doing it consciously. Read our short introduction to canine diagnostics - how to sign up for it and what indications should you definitely look at in the dentist’s office?

Fangs and their diagnoses

Your doctor does not need to say many times what diagnosis to expect for a canine tooth, because every dentist knows how sensitive this tooth is. This forces specialists to intensively search for the keys to the health of our teeth even before