
Carbamazepine-Acri: Anticonvulsant for effective treatment

In the world of pharmaceuticals, there are many drugs designed to treat various diseases. One of these drugs is Carbamazepine-Acri, which is widely used in Russia as an anticonvulsant from the iminostilbene group.

The manufacturer of Carbamazepine-Akri is the company Akrikhin HFC, located in Russia. This drug is based on an active substance called carbamazepine, which has the international name "Carbamazepine". It is also known by various synonyms, including Actinerval, Apo-Carbamazepine, Gen-Karpaz, Zagretol, Zeptol, Carbadak, Carbalepsin retard, Carbamazepine Nycomed, Carbamazepine Rivo, Carbamazepine-Teva, Carbamazepine-Pharmacia-AD, Carbapin, Karbasan, Karbasan retard, Carbatol, Karzepin-200 and Maze.

Carbamazepine-Acri is presented in the form of tablets with a dosage of 200 mg. It is used in a variety of conditions, including the treatment of epilepsy (excluding petit mal), manic states, prevention of manic-depressive disorders, alcohol withdrawal, trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia, and diabetic neuropathy.

However, like any drug, Carbamazepine-Acri has some contraindications. The use of the drug is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to its components, atrioventricular block, a history of myelosuppression or acute porphyria, as well as during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester).

It is important to note that side effects may occur when using Carbamazepine-Acri. Some of them include dizziness, headache, hallucinations, agitation, depression, aggressive behavior, activation of psychosis, diplopia, accommodation disturbances, lens opacities, nystagmus, conjunctivitis, tinnitus, changes in taste, speech disorders, abnormal involuntary movements, peripheral neuritis , paresthesia, muscle weakness and paresis symptoms, atrioventricular block, congestive heart failure, hyper- or hypotension, thromboembolism, elevated liver enzymes It is important to note that this answer contains information about Carbamazepine-Acree as of my September 2021 cognitive update. It is recommended that you consult your healthcare professional or pharmacist for the most current information about this drug.