Carbon dioxide cylinder

Carbon Dioxide Cylinder: Description, Manufacturers and Synonyms

A carbon dioxide cylinder is a container used for transporting and storing carbon dioxide. It is an integral part of the process of various medical and industrial operations where gas is used as a means to regulate pressure and create an inert atmosphere.

The country producing carbon dioxide cylinders is Russia. They are included in the pharmaceutical group of consumables, which confirms their importance in the medical field. Production is carried out at the Autogenous Plant, which is located in Russia.

The international name for a carbon dioxide cylinder is simply "cylinder". However, there are other synonyms such as oxygen cylinder, steel cylinder and container. These terms are often used in industry and medical settings where cylinders are frequently used.

Carbon dioxide cylinders are made from high quality steel and are certified to ensure they are safe and compliant. They have different volumes, ranging from several liters to large cylinders of several tens of liters.

Carbon dioxide cylinders are widely used in various industrial applications such as food processing, beverage processing, welding and medical procedures. In the food industry, carbon dioxide is used to create carbonated drinks and as a food preservative. In medicine, carbon dioxide is used as an anesthetic and to create an inert atmosphere in operating rooms.

In conclusion, carbon dioxide cylinders are an important component of various industrial and medical operations, their safety and quality are certified by certification and compliance with standards. Their wide application in various fields underscores their importance in modern society.