
zonuloscopy) is a method for studying micro-objects, based on the use of a probe microscope using the zonuloscopy technique. This innovative approach to microscopy allows you to examine objects at the nanoscale with high precision and resolution.

Microzonuloscopy combines two main techniques: scanning probe microscopy (SZ) and zonuloscopy. SZ microscopy uses a probe that scans the surface of the sample and records changes in the interaction of the probe with the sample. Zonuloscopy, on the other hand, is a method of applying probes to the surface of a sample using a specific force and measuring the magnitude of that force.

The use of microzonuloscopy allows one to study various properties of micro-objects, such as mechanical, electrical, magnetic and optical characteristics. It can be used to study the surface structure of materials, analyze molecular interactions, study the behavior of biological samples, and much more.

One of the most important advantages of microzonuloscopy is its ability to work under atmospheric pressure and at room temperature. This makes it more convenient and accessible compared to other microscopy techniques, such as electron microscopy, which require vacuum conditions.

Microzonuloscopy has a wide range of applications in various fields of science and technology. In the field of materials science, it can be used to study the structure and properties of new materials such as nanoparticles and thin films. In biology and medicine, microzonuloscopy can help in the study of cells, tissues and biomolecules at the molecular level.

Despite all the advantages, microzonuloscopy also has its limitations. One of them is the limited scanning speed because the process takes time to collect data. Additionally, depending on the sample and experimental conditions, there may be problems with probe-sample interaction that can affect the results obtained.

In general, microzonuloscopy is a powerful tool for studying microobjects at the nanoscale level. Its application in various fields of science and technology opens up new opportunities for understanding and improving various materials and biological systems. With the development of microzonuloscopy technologies and methods, we can expect even greater progress in this area and an expansion of its application. Further research and development will help improve the resolution, speed and reliability of this method, opening new opportunities for research and innovation.

Microzonuloscopy represents an important step forward in the field of microscopy and micro-object analysis. Its application allows us to explore the world at the nanoscale level, expanding our knowledge of the structure, properties and interactions of materials and biological systems. With the development of this technology, we can expect new discoveries and breakthroughs in various fields of science, technology and medicine.