Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, virtually odorless, very poisonous gas. When it enters the body, it binds to hemoglobin contained in red blood cells, forming carboxyhemoglobin, which has a bright red color. This compound is chemically stable; during its formation, hemoglobin cannot combine with oxygen. Carbon monoxide is present in large quantities in coal gas and car exhaust. Chemical formula: CO.

A colorless, virtually odorless, highly toxic gas.

Carbon monoxide (or carbon monoxide) is a gaseous substance with the chemical formula CO. It is colorless and practically tasteless. However, carbon monoxide is very toxic and highly hazardous to human health.

Contents: Oxides and carbon compounds have been known to mankind for a long time. They are used to produce various products and materials. But one of the most dangerous compounds in this group can be carbon monoxide, a gas that negatively affects the human body.

Although carbon monoxide is toxic, it can easily be found in human foods. Moreover, the lethal threshold for carbon monoxide is at least 50 cubic meters, but studies have shown that you can die from it instantly at a concentration of 2.4 percent of the gas. The chemical reaction of carbon oxidation occurs everywhere; it is impossible to escape from this gas. But we hope for this most of all, because this gas is widely used in various fields. For example, carbon monoxide is widely used in the electroplating, metallurgy, rubber, oil, automobile, paper and textile industries. In addition, it is actively used as a pigment in the production of ceramic products.