Cardiac Dullness Minor

Heart dullness is a disease that probably every woman has heard of. This condition has many synonyms - madness, rabies, clouding of reason. Patients with Poppe's disease retain a clear consciousness for a long time, but they commit completely inappropriate actions.

Typically, the state of cardiac dullness in women is accompanied by emotions of anger and unusual irritability. But there are also bouts of increased merriment. Often patients consider their anger to be imaginary, but this is not so: those suffering from cardiac dullness experience hallucinations. Often women see fantastic pictures that amaze the imagination. Few patients die from a state of acute cardiac dullness.

As soon as the state of suffocation and anxiety passes, women begin to live more measuredly and emotionally balanced. In the case of Poppe's disease, associated with the inability to adequately assess the world around us and one's actions, it gradually dissipates.

Mild cardiac dullness affects up to 70% of women. It may not last long and may be completed within a few hours. It is important to know that it is impossible to “cure” the syndrome. The main goal is to find a method to prevent the occurrence of severe degrees of the disease. Symptoms of cardiac dullness are not difficult to diagnose even at the earliest stages - such as the prodromal and prognostic stages. The first signs are emotional disturbances. They contribute to uncontrollable anger and hysterics. Patients become aggressive. There are frequent mood swings. The behavior of women suffering from heart disease is often inappropriate. They are characterized by intense concern, capriciousness, and excessive empathy. Hysterical character traits and anxious feelings are significantly expressed in patients with Perkins' disease. They suffer from frequent urination. The symptoms of the disease can easily be confused with neurosis. If there is acute cardiac deafness, the sick person falls into a state of passion that lasts several minutes. The attacks are accompanied by a depressed state, severe fear, and tearfulness. After them comes relief. In this case, the doctor will be dealing with a typical picture of cardiac dullness. During an attack there is no clarity of thought. The patient may lose consciousness. She has difficulty walking, gesticulating and expressing her thoughts. During such an emotional collapse, it is difficult for her to retain in her memory the current, previous disorder. In all these cases, one cannot do without professional consultation with a specialist. It is impossible to predict how quickly an acute condition will occur in each individual patient. The exact causes of the disease have not been known to science for very long. Severe anxiety or mental stress experienced during pregnancy or after the birth of a child can trigger the development of the disease. Symptoms such as memory loss, excessive narcissism, and emotional lability should be alarming. It is also necessary to pay attention to the tendency to conflicts and aggression. These personality traits greatly increase the risk of cardiac dullness during pregnancy. Most often among women, damage to the right atrium occurs. Very often, heart disease is diagnosed in the left side of the heart organs. Left-sided localization is relatively safe. The disease refers to pathomorphoses of the female genital area. According to statistics