
Gastroptosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Gastroptosis, also known as gastric prolapse or gastric wall prolapse, is a condition in which the stomach moves below its normal position in the abdominal cavity. The term "gastroptosis" comes from the Greek words "gastro-" (relating to the stomach) and "ptosis" (fall, prolapse).

Under normal conditions, the stomach is located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, above the navel. However, in some people the stomach may drop below its normal location. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including weakness of the ligaments and muscles that normally support the stomach in the correct position. Gastroptosis may also be associated with excess weight loss, pregnancy, increased physical stress, or other conditions that weaken the abdominal muscles.

One of the main symptoms of gastroptosis is a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the stomach after eating. Patients may also experience symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. In some cases, gastroptosis can be associated with deformation of the stomach, which can cause pain and discomfort.

To diagnose gastroptosis, your doctor may perform a physical examination and order additional tests, such as an X-ray or ultrasound of the stomach. These methods allow you to determine the exact position of the stomach and assess the degree of prolapse.

Treatment for gastroptosis depends on the severity of symptoms and the degree of gastric prolapse. In some cases, a conservative approach is recommended, which includes lifestyle and diet changes. This may include eating small portions, avoiding heavy and fatty foods, maintaining a healthy weight, and strengthening your abdominal muscles through specific exercises.

More severe cases may require surgery. A surgical procedure known as gastropexy is performed to lift and secure the stomach in the correct position. This allows you to restore the normal anatomy of the gastric wall and eliminate the symptoms of gastroptosis.

In general, gastroptosis is a condition that can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and symptoms. If you suspect or are experiencing symptoms of gastroptosis, it is recommended that you see your doctor for a diagnosis and to determine the best treatment approach. Early referral to a specialist can help prevent worsening of the condition and achieve symptom relief.

In conclusion, gastroptosis is the prolapse of the stomach due to weakening of the abdominal ligaments and muscles. This condition can cause discomfort and various symptoms of the digestive system. Diagnosis of gastroptosis includes a physical examination and specialized tests. Treatment may include conservative methods such as lifestyle and diet changes, and in some cases surgery may be required. If you experience symptoms suggestive of gastroptosis, it is recommended that you see your doctor for evaluation and treatment recommendations.

Gastroptosis is a disease that is characterized by the prolapse of the stomach down into the pelvic cavity. This is a fairly common disease in middle-aged and elderly people. Gastroptosis can be caused by various factors, such as weakened abdominal muscles, excess weight, or hormonal imbalances.

One of the most common symptoms of gastroptosis is stomach discomfort after eating. Patients often complain of a feeling of heaviness, bloating and pain in the stomach. You may also experience bowel problems such as constipation or diarrhea. In addition to these symptoms, patients may experience other signs of gastroenterological diseases, such as flatulence, nausea, vomiting and burning in the epigastrium. Treatment for gastroptosis varies depending on the cause and extent of the disease. Doctors usually recommend changing your lifestyle, increasing physical activity, losing weight if you are overweight, and eating right. If the symptoms of the disease are too intense, then special medications or operations may be prescribed. To prevent gastroptosis, it is recommended to monitor your health, actively engage in physical activity, eat right and monitor your weight. It is important to avoid overeating and eating fatty, spicy and sweet foods. In addition, you should monitor your posture and avoid sitting in one position for a long time. If you notice any symptoms of gastroptosis, you should consult a doctor for consultation and diagnosis of the disease.