Cardiac Output Minute

Cardiac output is one of the key concepts in medicine related to heart function and blood circulation. It reflects the volume of blood ejected by the heart per minute. In this article we will look at what cardiac output is and what significance it has in medical practice.

Cardiac output (CO) is the volume of blood that the heart pumps per unit of time, in this case, per minute. CO is measured in ml/min and depends on heart rate (HR). CO reflects cardiac function and can be used to assess the state of the cardiovascular system and predict its performance.

CB plays an important role in maintaining normal blood pressure and blood circulation in the body. When the heart contracts, it forces blood from the veins into the arteries, which forces blood into the chambers of the heart. As a result of cardiac output, arterial blood is saturated with oxygen and oxygenated tissues. This provides oxygen and energy to the body's tissues. However, if CO decreases, this may lead to