Baillarger Inner Stripe

Baillarger Jean Baptiste Eugene de (J. G. F. Baillarger)

Baillarger is one of the founders and researchers in the field of psychiatry. The French psychiatrist was born in 1843 and was one of the most respected scientists of his time. In his writings, he described a number of diseases and syndromes that received his name. In this article we will look at Baillarger’s Internal Ophthagram.

Baillargeon' Internal Ophthalmogone This is one of the most interesting syndromes in psychiatry, which is associated with changes in the perception of objects and their shape. The syndrome was described by Baillarge in the early 20th century and named after him. It manifests itself in a change in the perception of the shape of objects and the appearance of distorted images. The syndrome is often observed in patients with schizophrenia.

Symptoms of the syndrome can vary and depend on the severity of the disease. In a mild form, this may be a change in the perception of the size of objects, their shape or color. The patient may also experience objects moving around the room or their brightness or focus changing. More severe cases are characterized by the appearance of complex geometric shapes and figures that are perceived as existing independently.

If the syndrome appears, you must contact a psychiatrist or neurologist to receive treatment. Treatment may include medications, exercise, and psychotherapy. It is also important to take care of your mental health and avoid stressful situations.