
Cardiotocography (CTG) is a method of monitoring the condition of the fetus during pregnancy, based on recording fetal heartbeats and uterine contractions. This test is performed using a cardiotocograph (CTG), a device that records fetal heartbeats and uterine contractions.

A cardiotocogram (CTG) is a graphical impression of the CTG results. It shows fetal heart rate, heart rate, basal rate, variability and other parameters that may indicate fetal problems during pregnancy.

CTG is an important tool in obstetrics and gynecology, as it allows you to identify problems in the fetus at an early stage and take measures to eliminate them. In addition, CTG can help determine the causes of complications during labor and make decisions about the need for a cesarean section.

It is important to note that CTG is a safe and painless test, and most women undergo it without any complications. However, if a woman has any contraindications to CTG or does not want to undergo this study, there are alternative methods for monitoring the condition of the fetus.

In conclusion, the cardiotocograph is an important tool for monitoring the fetus during pregnancy and performing cardiotocography. It provides a graphical record of fetal heartbeats, uterine contractions and other parameters that can help identify fetal problems and take action to correct them in the early stages.

Cardiotocography is a method for studying the condition of the fetus and its heartbeat during pregnancy. This method is based on measuring the fetal heart rate, which is recorded on a special device - a cardiotocograph.

A cardiotocograph is a device that is used to obtain cardiotocograms. A cardiogram is a graphic print of the examination results and allows you to assess the condition of the fetus and identify possible problems.

When performing cardiotocography, the doctor uses special sensors that are attached to the belly of a pregnant woman. The sensors transmit information about the fetal heartbeat to a cardiotocograph, which records the data and displays it on the screen as a graph.

The graph shows the fetal heart rate over a period of time. This allows the doctor to assess the health of the fetus and identify possible abnormalities. If your heart rate is low or irregular, it may indicate problems with fetal development or pregnancy complications.

Thus, cardiotocography is an important method for diagnosing the condition of the fetus during pregnancy and allows identifying possible problems at an early stage.


A cardiotocogram (CTG) is a medical study that records the fetal heart rate and movements, as well as uterine contractions during pregnancy. The purpose of the study is to monitor the intrauterine state of the fetus in the form of recording the baby’s heartbeat and the tone of the mother’s uterus. The use of the technique helps to obtain objective data on changes in the child’s heart, the degree of its hypoxia and the presence of rhythm disorganization during contractions. Based on the studies performed, doctors are able to recognize or prevent hypoxia and asphyxia in an infant, which can save the child’s life. Every doctor and every woman will have the opportunity to begin treatment in a timely manner, and the prognosis will probably be favorable for infant life. CTG is used both in hospital wards and for outpatient monitoring of women. It can be carried out before, during, and for several weeks after childbirth. According to the results of the examination, therapy is prescribed or canceled for the mother.

Description of the procedure

CTG of the fetus is recorded using a sensor placed in the mother's rectum, or, less commonly, through the vagina. The data is transferred to a computer analyzer, which, in accordance with international standards, evaluates for compliance with established standards of CTG during childbirth in women in the last trimester of pregnancy, during prenatal observation in the hospital, with severe gestosis, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy complications, and placental pathologies. Recording fetal CTG continues for a day or more at intervals of about 15 minutes. Such long-term monitoring is necessary to diagnose cerebral ischemia, extragenital pathology, fetoplacental insufficiency, monitor the effectiveness of prescribed therapy and develop recommendations for future births. In addition to monitoring, a signal method is used - CTG is performed periodically, recording the time intervals between fetal contractions. This diagnostic method makes it possible to timely identify erectile dysfunction in the fetus and take measures to eliminate it. If necessary, CTG is repeated several times a day. The importance of CTG diagnosis is to predict the likelihood of the physiological course of labor. One of the significant aspects is monitoring the contractile activity of the laboring uterus. Unlike cardiotomography, heart rate recording does not provide information about the condition of the mother and fetus. Accordingly, in TCG there is an increase in heart rate for both, an increase in uterine contractions for both, an increase in contractions only for the woman in labor, a decrease in contractions only for the fetus, a reduction in the fetal heart rate - in the absence of uterine contractions or with an increase in its contractions. This is due to the adaptation of the baby’s cardiac system to the conditions of pregnancy and the development of cardiovascular hemostasis.