About swelling and winds in the liver

Sometimes vapors accumulate in the particles of the liver substance and under the particles of its membrane. If they are retained, condensed and turned into swelling winds that do not find passage, either due to their abundance or due to a blockage in the liver, then this is called bloating in the liver. Sometimes there is a strong feeling of distension, but there is no significant heaviness, as with a tumor and blockage, or fever, as with a tumor. The swelling arises either from weakness of the digestive power, or because the matter of nutrients or juices tends to excite the winds. Sometimes these winds are locked up under the liver, and they are also locked up under the spleen; pressing on these organs sets the winds in motion and causes rumbling. Most often, winds are indicated by distension, which begins and gradually intensifies, moving somewhat; At the same time, there is no change in the appearance and color of the face in comparison with the usual one. Pressing sometimes calms the swelling, dispels it and causes the matter to disperse.

Treatment of bloating and swelling in the liver. The treatment of this is close to the treatment of blockages and is carried out with the help of the thinning and dissolving medicines mentioned in the corresponding paragraph, as well as the varieties of medicinal porridge mentioned above. It is useful to use a bathhouse on a lean stomach, drink pure wine on an empty stomach, drink little cold water and apply compresses in the form of heated rags with dissolving spices. Medicinal dressings prepared with mastic, aromatic rush, sumbul and bana seeds, or plasters prepared, for example, from spikenard oil or mastic with various seeds, also help. If warming with compresses sets the winds in motion, then the direction of complicity should be kept in mind; if the pain spreads towards the intestines, then relaxation is first done, and then the winds dissipate; if the abdominal barrier and false ribs are stretched posteriorly, then diuretics are also used, and then substances that dispel winds.