Organization and holding of kettlebell lifting competitions

The stunning popularity of bodybuilding in Russia, which swept the whole world and only gained more and more momentum throughout the last century, as powerful locomotive pulled out numerous fashion trends – various progressive strength sports. Powerlifting, arm wrestling, kettlebell lifting, fitness, aerobics, shaping, and other hitherto unknown areas came to our country...

In order to control, popularize and further develop these sports movements, government bodies supervising certain sports disciplines also appeared. So in our country, for example, it was created All-Russian Kettlebell Sport Federation, which will be discussed in this article... Or rather, not about it itself, but about its activities - about the all-Russian and international tournaments held by this organization. The story will be about kettlebell lifting championships and judging, rules and regulations for their holding...

  1. Preparation and organization of competitions
  2. Types of tournaments
  3. Regulations on competitions

Preparation and organization of competitions

Competitions are usually preceded by a lot of preparatory work. The extent of this work and the time required to complete it depend on the size of the competition and the number of participants.

As the basis for the preparatory work, the Russian Kettlebell Lifting Federation takes a plan that indicates the necessary sports equipment and equipment (taking into account the specifics of kettlebell lifting), the deadlines for the readiness of places for competitions, and the responsible performers.

Sports competitions in Russia have great propaganda significance. Here, in conditions of intense competition, the fighting character and skill of athletes are revealed, the quality of coaching work and the correctness of the chosen training methodology are checked, and the experience of specialists is exchanged.

Competitions should be held in a solemn, festive atmosphere so that they become not only spectacular, but also have great educational value for participants and spectators. For young people, their first competitions are memorable for the rest of their lives and make them want to train regularly.

The opening and closing ceremonies of the competition, the beautiful sportswear of the participants, and high results arouse great interest among the spectators. After well-organized competitions, the number of people willing to engage in kettlebell lifting increases.

Sports tournaments are a good school for managers and organizers. They make it possible to identify successes and shortcomings in preparatory work, the level of mass participation, and outline ways to improve sports equipment and equipment.

In this regard, every competition, regardless of scale, should become bright, spectacular, memorable - a real holiday of sports.

Types of tournaments

In accordance with the approved norms and requirements, the Russian Kettlebell Lifting Federation classifies all kettlebell lifting competitions on a territorial basis: championships of the city, district, region, republic, country, as well as international Championships...

Depending on the goals and objectives set, they are conventionally divided into personal, personal-team and team (for more details, see the “Competition Rules” section).

In addition, demonstration performances of kettlebell lifters are often held, where, along with strength exercises, participants demonstrate juggling with kettlebells.

Competitions in kettlebell lifting, similarly to other strength sports, are held in accordance with the calendar plan approved by a higher sports organization, as well as in accordance with the regulations on competitions for the current academic and sports year. As mentioned above, all information about upcoming mass sports events is ultimately accumulated and supervised by the All-Russian Kettlebell Lifting Federation.

Regulations on competitions

The competition regulations are a document that determines (regardless of the scale) the forms of organization and the procedure for holding competitions. It is compiled by the relevant affiliated sports organization no later than the quarter before the start of the new sports year.

All statements of the provision must be clear and concise, not allowing for double interpretation.

1.       Objectives of the competition

The main goals of holding kettlebell lifting competitions are:

  1. increasing the popularity of this sport and attracting the maximum possible number of participants to systematic training;
  2. increasing the level of physical fitness and sportsmanship of those involved;
  3. promotion of kettlebell lifting;
  4. summing up the educational and training process;
  5. forming a national team to compete in higher-ranking competitions.
2.       Time and place of the competition

As a rule, the time and place of competitions are determined by their director. The regulations only specify the days and hours of competitions in weight categories, and indicate the arrival and departure times of participants.

3.       Competition management

Depending on the scale of the competition, their preparation and holding is carried out by the relevant sports organizations. To hold major competitions, an organizing committee is created, at a meeting of which those responsible for various areas of preparation are appointed: food and accommodation of participants, their timely departure, etc.

At the proposal of the federation or commission, the chief judge of the competition or the main panel of judges is appointed, the composition of which is approved by the relevant sports organization.

4.       Applications for participation in competitions

The regulations provide for the submission of applications for participation in competitions by teams or individual athletes. In all cases, the application is submitted by the relevant sports organization. Applications are preliminary and final. The Regulations provide for precise deadlines for submitting applications.

The application shall indicate the last name, first name, patronymic (in full) of the athlete, year of birth, nationality, rank, sports rank, weight category. It is certified by the doctor’s signature (against the surname of each participant) and the seal of the relevant medical institution.

The application usually includes a coach and a team representative.

The application is approved by the head of the sports organization, who is personally responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the regulations for team compositions and competition participants. The manager’s signature is certified by the seal of the sports organization represented by the team or participant in these competitions.

5.       Requirements for participants

The regulations determine the composition of participants and the conditions for their admission to competitions. The number of athletes, coaches, and judges is indicated; age and sports qualifications; qualifying standards for all weight categories. A list of documents is provided for submission to the credentials committee.

6.       Opening and closing of competitions

Every competition must have an opening and closing ceremony. The regulations stipulate the time and place of the parade of participants, dress code and number of participants.

7.       Competition conditions

Kettlebell competitions are held according to the double-event program (snatch and clean and jerk). The regulations provide a program of competitions by day and weight category; indicates what documents each participant must have with him at the weigh-in. Sometimes the program indicates the start time of the performance of participants in each weight category.

8.       Determining the winners

The regulations indicate that places in the individual competition are calculated based on the sum of points in the double event. Places can also be played out separately in each exercise. Team results are usually determined based on the placings of team members in the individual competition.

In some cases, to encourage athletes, points for high athletic achievements are added to the team standings.

9.      Awarding the winners

Based on the results of the competition, the winners are awarded. The regulations indicate for what achievements and how the best athletes, coaches and teams will be rewarded.

Typically, winning teams are awarded challenge prizes and certificates. Participants in the competition who take three prizes in each weight category are awarded medals, valuable gifts, and certificates. At major competitions, sponsoring organizations may establish special prizes for participants who demonstrate high sportsmanship (this should be reflected in the regulations).

The regulations may also include conditions for awarding winners in each kettlebell lifting exercise.

A properly organized system of rewarding athletes and coaches, the ceremonial presentation of awards to winners and competition organizers will contribute to the further growth of the all-Russian, international and world popularity of kettlebell lifting.

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