Caries beetle Superficial

Superficial caries (lat. Caries superficialis) is a dental disease that is characterized by the appearance of small white spots on the surface of the tooth enamel. This is a common condition that can occur as a result of improper dental care or exposure to acidic foods and drinks.

Symptoms of superficial caries can manifest themselves in the form of slight darkening of the tooth enamel, changes in tooth color and pain when eating spicy, sour or cold foods. If left untreated, this disease can lead to deeper cracks in the tooth enamel and further tooth decay.

To avoid caries on the surface, it is necessary to properly care for your teeth. You should brush your teeth daily and use fluoride toothpastes. It is also important to limit your intake of acidic foods and drinks, as they can damage the surface of your teeth. When the first signs of caries beetles appear, you should contact your dentist, who will provide treatment and prescribe the necessary procedures.

There are several ways to treat caries: removal of affected tissue, restoration of enamel surfaces using special technologies, installation of light-curing fillings, and the use of dental varnishes. Each case requires an individual approach, based on the degree of enamel damage and the patient’s health.

In addition, superficial caries can be prevented. First of all, it is worth maintaining oral hygiene and treating any dental problems in the early stages. You should also avoid harsh temperatures and chemicals on your teeth to keep them healthy. A timely visit to the dentist will help quickly cure the caries and avoid more serious complications.