Carrot and Egg Yolk Mask

Face masks based on natural ingredients are becoming increasingly popular in cosmetology. They not only nourish and cleanse the skin, but also do not harm it, unlike some chemical products. Today we will look at a recipe for a mask made from carrots and egg yolk, which nourishes the skin and relieves inflammation.

To prepare the mask you will need one carrot, one teaspoon of starch, one egg yolk and a few drops of lemon or cranberry juice.

The first step is to grate the carrots. Then thoroughly mix the carrots with starch and egg yolk. Add a few drops of lemon or cranberry juice and stir the mixture until smooth.

Apply the mask to your face and leave for 15-20 minutes. After this, rinse off the mask with warm water and apply nourishing cream to your face.

A mask of carrots and egg yolk nourishes the skin, relieves inflammation and helps clean pores. It is recommended to use this mask daily. The shelf life of the mask in the refrigerator is 6 hours, and the preparation time takes only 10 minutes.

Conclusion: a carrot and egg yolk mask is a great way to take care of your facial skin, especially for those who prefer natural remedies. Try this recipe and enjoy healthy and glowing skin!