Cassia, Or Senna

Cassia, or Senna

Legumes - Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Parts used: leaves and fruits. Pharmaceutical name: senna leaves (Alexandria leaf) - Sennae folium
(formerly: Folium Sennae), fruits of angustifolia senna - Sennae fructus angustifoliae
(formerly: Folliculi Sennae), fruit of the Alexandrian senna - Sennae fructus
acutifoliae (formerly: Folliculi Sennae).

Botanical description. Leaves and fruits used for medicinal purposes
obtained from both types of cassia. These are shrubs 0.5-1.5 m in height.

Cassia angustifolia - Somalia and Arabia, cultivated in South India, especially
in Tirunel-veli district. Its compound leaves have 5-8 leaflets, and at the end
short spine. Cassia of Alexandria is widespread in Sudan and beyond
to West Africa.

This species has compound leaves consisting of 4-5 leaflets
and about half as long as the previous one. It is cultivated in the upper reaches
Nila. The flowers of both cassias are yellow, collected in racemes emerging from the axils of the leaves.

The fruits are flat brown beans 2-4 cm long and about 1 cm wide.

Collection and preparation. When the leaves are fully developed, they are collected by tearing off individual
leaves and air dried.

Pharmaceutical goods are received mainly
from cultivated plantings, however, the Alexandrian leaf is harvested
and from wild plants. The fruits are harvested when they are fully ripe. Since in appearance they resemble leaves and were previously widely used for
women in labor, they are also called “mother leaves”.

Active ingredients. Of the many components, the effectiveness of cassia is determined by anthraquinones -
bound by glycosidic bonds and free.

Healing action and application.

Senna leaves are considered the most reliable potent laxative
of all the ones we know. They are found in numerous laxatives
teas. Senna fruits ("mother leaves") are also used
as a laxative, but their effect is milder.

Teas from leaves and fruits
Senna is still often used for constipation. However, it should be noted
that long-term use of all laxatives (and herbal
origin too) is undesirable because it irritates the intestines, and
also leads to loss of essential salts - and is thus dangerous for

The German National Health Service describes the indications as follows:
for use on senna leaves and fruits: constipation; all diseases in which
easy bowel movement with soft stools is desirable, such as
for fissures in the anal area, hemorrhoids and after surgery
on the rectum; for bowel cleansing before fluoroscopy, as well as
before and after surgery in the abdominal cavity.

Use in homeopathy. Homeopathic remedy Senna is used
in dilution D6 against flatulence in infancy and early childhood. Give 5 drops if necessary.

Side effects. Avoid long term
consumption; Do not use during pregnancy, breastfeeding or obstruction