
Celanide is called isolanide, a drug produced in Russia and Ukraine.

Celian from the group of cardiac glycosides is the active substance in the chemical composition of the drug. The chemical composition also includes excipients: starch, sucrose, dye “Riboflavin” (E 101), etc. (the amount depends on the purpose) [1] (Tables 1-3).

A carefully thought-out composition effectively fights a large number of cardiovascular diseases. Entering the liver along with the blood, the active substance is broken down into molecules that penetrate the cells and activate the synthesis of carnitine and fatty acids for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

In conditions of oxygen deficiency during myocardial infarction, a rapid increase in carnitine concentration has a positive effect on coronary circulation, strengthening the heart muscle and preventing further complications and side effects. Available in the form of tablets and solution, packaged in glass bottles (90 mg and 150 mg, respectively) (Table 3). From the gastrointestinal tract, some defects in the chemical composition of the active substance are observed. When gastric juice comes into contact with hydrochloric acid, an undesirable reaction is triggered, which may result in signs of a chemical burn in the mouth or stomach. To avoid such manifestations, the capsule or tablet must be swallowed whole with a small amount of clean water (5-10 ml).

The medicine has the following contraindications: hypersensitivity and individual intolerance; glycoside intoxication; severe bradycardia and AV block; hypertrophic mitral valve stenosis, subaortic stenosis, isolated mitral regurgitation; paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia shock; acute myocardial infarction; unstable sterrhythmia, WPW syndrome; cardiac tamponade; extrasystoles; tendency to form blood clots in blood vessels (from the blood); pronounced dilatation of the heart and lungs; chronic myocarditis; hypothyroidism; hypermagnesemia; hypercalcinosis; increase in Na` level; low potassium in the blood and biochemical composition of urine. Side effects - nausea, vomiting. dizziness, hearing loss, blurred vision, fatigue and insomnia