
Phytoren is a dietary supplement developed by Artlife. The drug has a pronounced diuretic effect and is used as a diuretic in patients with heart failure, in the treatment of arterial hypertension and many other diseases.

The drug contains plant components - extracts of cranberry fruits, horsetail, rose hips, hawthorn fruits, viburnum bark, cordate alder, as well as mint oil. However, the dosage of the extracted components has not yet been disclosed by the manufacturer. Nevertheless, we can assume that they are not great - after all, the effect of Fytoren is most likely achieved by a sufficiently long removal of excess sodium from the body through the liquid it secretes through the kidneys.

As a diuretic, Phytoren is used by patients to reduce swelling associated with dropsy, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, as well as some kidney diseases. For a successful effect, the drug is recommended to be taken in courses of several weeks in a row according to the doctor’s instructions. With long-term use, a decrease in circulating blood volume is possible, so therapy with Phytoren should not be carried out without supervision by a specialist (for example, if the patient suffers from anemia or vascular diseases).

Do not forget that taking any dietary supplement must be agreed with your doctor.