-Cele (-Cele, -Coele)

-Cele (-cele, -coele) is a suffix in anatomical and medical terminology that indicates swelling of something, a hernia or tumor.

It comes from the Greek word "koilos", which means "void" or "hollow". The suffix is ​​often used to denote the protrusion or prolapse of internal organs through natural or pathological openings.

For example:

  1. Gastrocele is a gastric hernia in which the stomach wall protrudes through a pathological opening in the abdominal wall.

  2. Encephalocoele is a protrusion of the brain matter and meninges through a defect in the bones of the skull.

  3. Meningocoele is a protrusion of the meninges through a defect in the spine or skull.

Thus, the suffix -cele helps to form terms denoting various types of hernias and tumors of hollow organs. Its use allows you to accurately determine the location and nature of the pathological process.

Cele (-Cele, -Coele)

Cele (-cele, -coele) is a suffix used in medical terminology. It comes from the Greek word "koilos", which means "hollow" or "emptiness".

This suffix is ​​attached to the root word denoting an organ or part of the body, and indicates swelling, hernia, or pathological enlargement of the cavity of that organ.

For example:

  1. Gastrocele is a hernia of the stomach wall. From the Greek "gaster" - stomach.

  2. Encephalocoele is a protrusion of the contents of the skull, usually the brain and meninges, through a defect in the bones of the skull. From the Greek "enkephalos" - brain.

  3. Enterocele is a hernia of the small intestine. From the Greek "enteron" - intestine.

Thus, the suffix -cele (-cele) serves to designate pathological protrusions or hernias of various organs and parts of the body.

-Cele (-Cele, -Coele) is a suffix indicating swelling of something, a hernia or tumor. It is of Greek origin from the word "kelê" - "hernia".

This suffix is ​​often used in anatomical and medical terminology to refer to various types of hernias and tumors. For example:

  1. Gastrocele is a gastric hernia in which the stomach wall protrudes through a defect in the abdominal wall.

  2. Encephalocoele is a congenital abnormality of brain development in which protrusion of brain structures and meninges occurs through a defect in the skull.

  3. A splenocele is a herniated spleen in which the spleen may protrude through a defect in the diaphragm.

  4. Enterocele is a hernia of the small intestine.

Thus, the suffix -cele (-cele) indicates various pathological protrusions of organs or their parts.

Profiling an unborn child with Cele syndrome is a suitable approach for the early diagnosis of severe congenital malformations and their treatment.

Cele syndrome is a rare hereditary disease that occurs in various populations. It is caused by a mutation in the DMD gene, which is responsible for the synthesis of the dystrophin protein. Symptoms:

* hyperextension in the elbow and hip joints * bulging of the genital organs * muscle atrophy with irregular shape and decreased volume of the limb * increased intracranial pressure leading to vomiting, impaired consciousness and convulsions

Before the child becomes more