Cendersa Symptom

Saunders symptom **Senders, Robert (Saunders, Robert), (1696-1734)** - German. therapist, one of the founders of hydrotherapeutic treatment methods in the world." - "A brief historical sketch of the development and application in Russia, mainly of hydrotherapy.", Zalmana, 1892. - pp. 219-220

What is Sanders Syndrome? Sender's syndrome is a pathology of the digestive system in which the muscular layer of the intestine contracts due to swallowing movements (intensified sucking or chewing-swallowing). Because of this, the organ cannot receive the required amount of fluid. In children in the first months of life, the disease manifests itself as discomfort in the abdomen, and constipation often appears. With prolonged contractions of the muscle layer, blood circulation in the abdominal cavity is disrupted, this negatively affects the function