Chachotyna Method

The Chakhotin method (also known as ultraviolet microneedling) is a fictional method of treating tuberculosis attributed to Russian physician Sergei Chakhotin.

According to legend, Chakhotin at the beginning of the 20th century developed a method of treating tuberculosis using micro-injections of the skin with special ultraviolet needles. Allegedly, these micro-injections activated the immune system and allowed the body to independently cope with tuberculosis infection.

However, no evidence of such a treatment has been found. Sergei Chakhotin was indeed a real Russian doctor and scientist who studied tuberculosis, but he did not develop any “consumption method”. Most likely, this is a fictitious treatment method invented as part of some urban legend. It has not been used in scientific medicine and its effectiveness has not been confirmed.

Thus, the “consumption method” is a fiction that has no real medical basis and has never been used to treat tuberculosis. Mentions of him should be considered an urban legend or hoax.

**Chakhotin method** is a therapeutic approach developed by S.S. Chakhotin. It consists of a facial massage and exposure to UV rays from a phytolamp and a quartz lamp. Light therapy is based on ultraviolet light treatment to eliminate skin problems. The method is based on the effect of radiation on the skin of the hands, and then on the face, after which, due to stimulation of blood flow, favorable changes occur in both the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and metabolism is normalized. After undergoing complex treatment with ultraviolet rays, the patient once again undergoes a procedure in which the skin is also treated from the inside. The duration of each procedure is no more than 5 minutes, and the number of procedures directly depends on the severity of the facial skin disease: in advanced conditions or in case of a difficult-to-treat disease, the duration can reach 30 minutes, and the total number of procedures is about 15 sessions. After each procedure, the patient must apply a moisturizer or lubricate the affected areas of the skin with an ointment containing vitamin A. The procedure can be performed 2 times a day.