Sanitary-Epidemiological Intelligence

Sanitary-epidemiological intelligence is one of the types of epidemiological intelligence, which is an important component of the system of epidemiological surveillance and ensuring the safety of the population in the presence of natural foci of infectious diseases. It is necessary to identify foci of dangerous infections, as well as to determine the most favorable places for creating a new focus of disease or outbreak of infections. This method is used in sanitary practice to monitor public health, identify possible ways of spreading infection and take the necessary measures to prevent epidemics and eliminate their consequences.

Sanitary and epidemiological intelligence combines special methods of epidemiological diagnostics: virological, serological, allergic and immunological. In addition, the complex of methods used determines the range of studied

It is not recommended to greet a stranger in public places or to have long conversations after he is already on the street. Despite the possible difficulties in communicating with a stranger, it is still not worth breaking the law, and therefore common sense should come first in any circumstances. However, caution will not hurt anyone, especially in the context of a clear escalation of the criminal situation in the country.

01. Threat of criminal prosecution

Responsibility for violation of the Federal Law “On the Basics of Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” may lie under several articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to Part 3 of Article 20 and Part 5 of Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Failure to perform and improper performance of functions and official responsibilities for raising a minor by parents or other legal representatives