Chalcosis Lens

Chalcosis Lens: Understanding and Impact

Lens chalcosis, also known as copper cataract or chalcosis lentis, is a rare condition that can affect a person's eye health. This condition is associated with a buildup of copper in the lens of the eye, which can lead to blurred vision and other problems.

The lens is a clear, glassy structure located behind the iris and is responsible for focusing light onto the retina. Under normal conditions, the lens does not contain copper. However, with chalcosis of the lens, copper begins to accumulate in its tissues. This can occur due to various factors, including trauma to the eye or prolonged exposure of the eye lining to copper particles.

With chalcosis of the lens, patients may experience a variety of symptoms and vision problems. In the initial stages of the disease, symptoms may be unnoticeable or minimal, but as lens chalcosis develops, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. Loss of clarity of vision: Gradual accumulation of copper in the lens can cause blurry and blurry vision. Objective objects may appear unclear or indistinct.

  2. Impaired night vision: People with chalcosis lens may have difficulty seeing in low light conditions, especially in the dark or when driving in the evening.

  3. Feeling of discomfort: Some patients may experience discomfort or a feeling of foreign bodies in the eye due to disruption of the normal structure of the lens.

Diagnosis of lens chalcosis is usually made through an eye examination, as well as additional clinical tests such as ultrasound or computed tomography. Treatment depends on the degree and symptoms of lens chalcosis. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the lens and replace it with an artificial implant.

Although lens chalcosis is a rare condition, it is important to see an experienced ophthalmologist if you are experiencing vision problems or other eye-related symptoms. Seeking medical help early can help prevent further vision loss and help find the best treatment for the condition.

In conclusion, lens chalcosis is a rare disease associated with the accumulation of copper in the lens of the eye. It can lead to loss of clarity of vision, poor night vision and discomfort. Diagnosis is usually made through an eye examination and special tests. Treatment may include surgery to remove the lens and replace it with an artificial implant. If you are experiencing vision problems or other eye-related symptoms, it is recommended that you see an ophthalmologist for medical help.

Please note that this article provides general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. To obtain an accurate diagnosis and treatment, you must consult a qualified doctor.

Chalcosis of the lens (chalcosis catanope) is a postoperative complication in the form of clouding of the lens as a result of the deposition of yellow copper salts, called “scarp” or “cataract” - during the operation of extracapsular cataract extraction or penetrating to the zonules of cinnamon along with the lens. In ophthalmology, the terms “chalkeosis”, “chalnosis”, “pulmonary cataract” are used.

Chalcoid lens opacification was first described by ophthalmologist Tiyon Gregory