Chapter 11 Let's Live Happily

Chapter 11. Let's Live Happily

This book has come to an end. We hope that the journey through the land of self-knowledge was not very tiring for you. Be that as it may, if after reading the book you begin to relate to your illness with greater understanding, then your suffering will be rewarded with the useful knowledge you have acquired.

What else would you like to talk to you about, reader? Perhaps this is what it's about. It is no secret that some people, having become ill with diabetes, become confused, lower their standard of living, in a word, give up.

It must be said that lowering the bar is not a position. This is almost a surrender to the disease. Of course, if you ask the question: is diabetes mellitus a serious disease, the answer will be positive. Yes, diabetes is definitely a serious disease. But still, dear reader, diabetes is not a disease that can “clip a person’s wings.” Look around!

How many people with diabetes live full, interesting, eventful lives? History is full of examples when people, despite existing diabetes, reached the highest peaks not only in science, politics, art, but even in sports - that area of ​​​​human activity that requires titanic physical efforts.

What more, dear doubting reader?! These people, thanks to their work, perseverance, and talent, found happiness! Real earthly happiness! Therefore, you should not sit back and wait for him, you should not despair. The disease, whatever it is, can always be defeated. You just need to live and fight for your happiness.

The life of each of us largely depends on our desire to be happy and, of course, on understanding the great meaning of happiness for a person. Despite all the apparent differences: skin color, characters, political and religious beliefs, we are united by the main thing: we are people. We were all born and live in the same house - on our blue planet, where real happiness is born only in the internal creation of the spiritual principle through the improvement of the surrounding world.

I would like to sincerely believe that someday all people will gain an understanding of true happiness and learn to come to it as simply as they come to each other today. And then peace will reign on earth and peace in human souls.

Well, these thoughts about the eternal are not new. Do you remember what the ancients said about this? They said this: “If you want to be happy, be happy.”
So let's be happy!