Chapter 11. On a Hot Day - On the Beach, in the Pool and in the Garden

Chapter 11. On a hot day - on the beach, in the pool and in the garden

Water and sand have a magical effect on children. And therefore, the best way to keep your child occupied on a hot day is to go to the beach with him, taking with him a plastic bucket, toys, bedding and cold water.

However, on a hot summer day you can do more than just splash in the water and play in the sand. In this chapter you will find tips on how to entertain little ones and what you can suggest to older children who like to play in the water. You will see that a long, hot day will fly by unexpectedly quickly when there is water nearby, and the children are having fun and having fun.

Follow the leader

Pleasantly cool

Looking up to the sky

Ball in the ditch

Buried Treasure

Paintings on the sand

Playing balls on the sand

Sand castle

sand turtle

gold digger

Flying kite

Dance under the stream

Cold-tempered man

Pour and measure

Color yourself

Invite a painter

Sand treatment

Wet prints

Drop the shell

Swipe the ball

Grab the coin

Yacht Club

Imaginary ice

Box with fishing line

Pebble soup

Find the ball

Hose game

Searching for trivia