Chapter 16. Keep Your Kids Busy When You're Busy Yourself

Chapter 16. Keep Your Children Busy When You Are Busy Yourself.

For parents, especially those who work from home, it can be difficult to find time to do things on your own when kids are around. But it is important to understand that children can learn to play on their own and not require constant parental attention. In this chapter, we'll look at a few games and activities that can keep your child occupied when you need to focus on what you're doing.

  1. Dead Eye
    This game is suitable for children of any age and can be played outdoors or indoors. You will need a set of balls of different sizes (basketball, football, volleyball, etc.). Place baskets or targets in different places and ask your child to throw balls at them. This will help develop the child's coordination and motor skills.

  2. Water works
    Take a large bowl or tub, fill it with water and add floating objects such as bath toys, pieces of fruit or vegetables, marbles, etc. The child can use the net to catch objects or simply play with them in the water. This game will help develop fine motor skills and a sense of coordination.

  3. Wall art
    Buy some drawing paper or wallpaper and mount it on the wall. Give your child brushes and paints and let them paint or draw with you. This game will help develop the child's creative abilities and give him the opportunity to express his imagination.

  4. Lace drawings
    Draw circles, stars and other shapes on a piece of paper and ask your child to follow their outline with a thread or string. This activity will help develop fine motor skills and a sense of coordination.

  5. Fabric collage
    Collect colorful pieces of fabric and ask your child to use them to create a picture or decorate a photo frame or box with them. This game will help develop the child's creative abilities and give him the opportunity to express his imagination.

  6. Shelter of sheets
    Using chairs, tables and sheets, create a safe haven for your child. He can use it to read books, play hide and seek, or just as a cozy place to relax. This game will help develop your child's imagination and creativity.

  7. Lemonade kiosk
    Invite your child to create his own lemonade stand. He can draw a sign and invite friends over for lemonade and snacks. This game will help develop entrepreneurial skills, social skills and creativity.

  8. Washing the car
    Let your child wash the car with you. He can use a hose, a bucket of soapy water, and rags. This game will help develop motor skills and a sense of responsibility.

  9. Cleaning toys
    Ask your child to help you clean his toys. He can use a damp cloth and brush to clean stuffed animals. This game will help develop a sense of responsibility and cleaning skills.

  10. Game with ribbons
    Give your child colorful ribbons and ask him to use them to create a beach toy or decoration for his room. This game will help develop creativity and fine motor skills.

It is important to remember that every child is unique and may enjoy different games. Therefore, if some game does not occupy your child, do not despair. Try offering him a different game and see what interests him. Teach your child to play independently and give him the opportunity to show his imagination and creativity.