Technical and Hygienic Requirements for the Russian Bath and Sauna

Baths and saunas are not only places for rest and relaxation, but also places where it is necessary to comply with certain technical and hygienic requirements. These requirements are aimed at creating a comfortable and safe microclimate that allows you to get the maximum benefit from bath procedures.

Hygienic requirements

Any bath or sauna should be clean and well maintained. The steam room and surrounding areas must be thoroughly and regularly washed and dried. This allows you to avoid the appearance of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that can negatively affect the health of visitors.

Air temperature and ventilation

The steam room must maintain a certain air temperature and the necessary ventilation. Together, this creates the microclimate necessary for bath procedures. You should not use a steam room with wet floors and a strong smell of sweat. The air humidity in the steam room should be 80-100%, and the air temperature should be 50-60 degrees C. In a dry-air bath (sauna), the humidity should be 10-15% at a temperature of 70-90 degrees C. You should remember the close relationship between air temperature and its humidity, therefore, when one of these factors increases, the other must be decreased. Violation of the proportion affects the microclimate of the bath and its efficiency.

Preparing for bath procedures

When you arrive at the bathhouse, you should not immediately enter the steam room. You need to prepare your body for changes in temperature and exposure to steam. You can first take a warm shower and soak your feet in a basin of warm water. After which you should wipe yourself dry with a towel. Before starting the bath procedure, you should not wet your hair or use soap. This will remove oil from the surface of the skin, which protects it from drying out. To protect the body from overheating or heat stroke, you need to put an old woolen cap, a felt hat on your head, or simply cover it with a thick terry towel. The headdress should be moistened with water to prevent it from heating up.

Treatments in the steam room and sauna

In the steam room, it is recommended to sit on the bottom shelf for some time to get used to the heat, and only then climb higher. To ensure that the body warms up evenly, a towel or laurel wreath should be placed on the shelf above the head. In the sauna you can immediately climb to the top shelf, since the air temperature here is drier.

In the steam room and sauna you can perform various bath procedures, such as:

  1. With a broom: you can use a broom to whip yourself or each other on the back, legs, or arms. This helps improve blood circulation, eliminate toxins and improve overall well-being.

  2. Wash: You can wash with water to which various herbs or essential oils have been added. It also helps improve blood circulation and clear the skin.

  3. Take a shower: after a steam room or sauna, you need to take a cool shower to reduce excess temperature and strengthen the circulatory system.

  4. Rinse: After a shower, you can rinse your body with water with the addition of various herbs or essential oils. This helps soothe the skin, relieves fatigue, and improves blood circulation.

In conclusion, baths and saunas can be useful and enjoyable places for rest and relaxation, but only if technical and hygienic requirements are met. It is necessary to remember about safety, not to overheat and not to abuse the time spent in the bathhouse or sauna.