Very Simple And Easy

This book is a real find for anyone who cares about children. Parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, teachers and nannies will find in it many interesting ideas for communicating with kids. Children can also play these games with each other.

The book contains a huge variety of games for every occasion. There are activities for free time and for those moments when you are limited in time. There are games for quiet and active recreation, for indoors and outdoors, for all seasons and any time of day. In total, the book contains more than 400 options for communicating with kids!

After reading the book, you will learn how to entertain your child while traveling by car, while waiting for an order in a cafe, in line at the store, while swimming and before bed. Here are tips on how to keep your baby occupied during illness, bad weather or the summer heat when he becomes irritable. You will find the answer to what to do if your child likes to help at home, but not very much.

Another goal of the book is to show how to usefully spend time alone with your child. The proposed games will help teach the baby something, create a comfortable atmosphere in the family and bring joy. You will learn to combine all this, because the main idea of ​​the book is to make your life better. Both you and the children will experience joy from communicating with each other.

When a child perceives his parents as friends and remembers spending time together with pleasure, this is wonderful! By participating in your baby’s games, you evaluate his abilities and lay the foundation for the development of his future personality. This is important not only for the child, but also for you: everything that is good for children is also good for parents.

The exercises in the book are simple, short and clear. Adults only direct the child’s abilities in the right direction. For example, in the game "Invisible Drawing" you can play in the clinic while waiting for an appointment. Write a letter with your finger or draw a shape on your baby's arm/leg and ask him to guess. Then switch roles. This way you will distract your child from an unpleasant situation and give him attention when he needs it.

As you can see, this book will really make your life with your child much simpler and easier!