Preservation of Youth

fresh, and in the evening, when there is no more gas pollution. It is important to breathe through the nose, as the nasal passages moisten the inhaled air and clear it of dust and germs. You can also practice special breathing exercises that help improve lung function and oxygen saturation in the blood.

  1. Regular sleep also plays a big role in maintaining youth. It is necessary to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day so that the body can fully recover and rest. It is important to sleep in a comfortable environment, with a good bed and pillow, to avoid back and neck pain and to ensure proper body posture.

  2. Nutrition also plays an important role in maintaining youth. It is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, which help strengthen the immune system, improve complexion and skin, and also maintain normal functioning of the digestive system. It is important to avoid fatty, spicy and heavy foods, as well as minimize alcohol and nicotine consumption.

  3. Mental health is also equally important for maintaining youth. It is necessary to avoid stressful situations, find time for rest and relaxation, engage in favorite activities and hobbies, communicate with loved ones and friends. It is important to find a balance between work and personal life so as not to overload yourself and not constantly feel tired and irritated.

Ultimately, maintaining youth depends on a comprehensive approach to health. It is necessary to take care of your physical and mental health, eat right, exercise, relax regularly and find time for hobbies. This lifestyle will help maintain complexion, freshness and good spirits, as well as strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of many diseases associated with aging.