How to Get Rid of Bad Habits

How to get rid of bad habits

In the life of every person, situations may arise when he begins to succumb to bad habits, such as alcohol or drugs. These habits can lead to gradual personality degradation and health problems. But how to help a person who has already become dependent on such substances?

Many resort to “coding” from alcohol and nicotine addiction. This method, proposed by Dr. Dovzhenko, is based on blocking the information-energy focus of alcohol or nicotine addiction with others that are opposite to it. To do this, you need to induce a state of shock or shutdown for some time in order to enter the necessary information. It is in a state of unconsciousness or hypnosis that consciousness is susceptible to such manipulation.

However, “coding” is not always an effective method of getting rid of bad habits. Firstly, this can be a fairly expensive process that is not affordable for everyone. Secondly, it can lead to unwanted side effects such as depression or anxiety.

There are other methods that can help you break bad habits. Here are a few of them:

  1. Gradual dose reduction. If a habit has already become a part of life, then you should not try to give it up right away. It is better to gradually reduce the dose until you can completely get rid of the addiction.

  2. A change of scenery. Sometimes changing your environment can help you break a habit. This could be moving to another city or country, changing jobs, or just going on vacation.

  3. Support from loved ones. Don't be afraid to ask for help from loved ones. They can help control the habit and provide support during difficult times.

  4. Sports and healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can help you break the habit and improve your health.

It is important to understand that each person is individual, and there is no universal method for getting rid of bad habits. But if you approach this problem creatively and with persistence, you can achieve success and return to a healthy lifestyle.