Folk Remedies for Combating Toxicosis

Nausea is one of the signs of pregnancy that has literally become the talk of the town. Toxicosis becomes a scourge for most pregnant women. But few people know how to cope with this condition. Not every antenatal clinic doctor will give practical advice on how to overcome toxicosis without medications. And yet such remedies exist. Early (that is, occurring in the early stages of pregnancy) toxicosis is so common that it has become almost an obligatory sign of pregnancy, along with the absence of menstruation. Sometimes you even hear statements like this: I’m very worried. I am 9 weeks pregnant and have no toxicosis at all. Maybe there's something wrong with me. I heard that toxicosis must be present, otherwise something is wrong with the little one.

First of all, it must be said that we owe toxicosis to an unhealthy lifestyle, a frantic pace of work, an unfavorable environment and an unhealthy diet. Women living in villages, who are in the fresh air every day, are much less susceptible to this scourge than us city dwellers.

What can you say in response to such a complaint: She walks around the office all green, holding her throat, spots under her eyes from broken capillaries... Today she was vomiting again, probably because she was driving to work for an hour in traffic jams in the morning. A modern businesswoman spends all day at the computer, spends at least two hours a day on public transport, and spends no more than 10 minutes a day on the street. Even a non-pregnant woman will turn green from such stress.

Of course, if possible, it is better for a pregnant woman to quit work, live in the country, walk a lot and eat natural products. But we all understand that only a few can afford it. What should the rest of us do? Here is a list of folk remedies from which everyone can choose something suitable for themselves:

  1. Try to walk for at least half an hour a day. If possible, travel to the metro not by bus, but on foot.

  2. When you wake up in the morning, do not immediately jump out of bed, eat a handful of nuts or a couple of cookies, placed on the table by the bed in the evening.

  3. Don't force yourself to have a heavy breakfast and lunch. It's better to eat something small every two hours (cookies, a piece of cheese, an apple). Always have a light snack in your purse.

  4. Eat foods rich in protein (beans, grains, nuts, seeds, fish, meat, milk).

  5. Try sucking on a slice of tangerine or lemon.

  6. Sometimes salted crackers, lightly salted cucumbers, and sauerkraut help.

  7. After eating, do not rush, allow yourself to lie down for a few minutes.

  8. In the morning, while lying in bed, drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey.

  9. Mint is a proven remedy. You can use peppermint candies, peppermint gum, or peppermint tea.

Good luck in your fight against toxicosis. Rest assured - this will pass soon!