Chapter 5. Entertain a Sick Child

Alphabet game
Invite your child to play a game where you need to name words starting with a certain letter one by one. For example, one says "Watermelon", another says "Banana", and so on. This develops vocabulary and imagination.

Baby photos
Show your child old photographs of himself and tell funny stories about how they were taken. This will help him remember joyful moments from the past.

Hang a mirror in front of your child's bed. Let him examine his face in the mirror, make grimaces and hairstyles. It will entertain and lift your spirits.

Puppet show
Make a simple puppet theater out of a box and sticks, and draw the scenery. Perform small performances for your child, involving him in the process.

Strange Zoo
Come up with unusual animals together and draw them - with three heads, six legs and so on. Let the child show his imagination.

Make a stitch
Teach your child simple stitches - “forward needle”, “over the edge” and others. Embroidery soothes and develops motor skills.

Fashion designer
Offer to create paper clothing models by cutting and gluing elements. This stimulates creativity.

Remember the color
Name the object and ask the child to remember its color. This trains memory and attention.

Decorate the table
Let the child decorate his table or bedside table - draw pictures, cut out garlands from colored paper. This will create comfort.

Take a leap
Compete to see who can stretch the thread wound around their finger the farthest. This will develop dexterity and coordination.

Geometric figures
Cut shapes together from colored paper and fold them into patterns. This develops spatial thinking.

Play a game of attentiveness - look at each other, trying to steal a glance. Make your child laugh.

Make beads and bracelets from beads, ribbons, and wire. Let the child prove himself as a jeweler.

Your assistant
Assign your child simple household chores that can be done while lying down - sorting out cereal, folding socks. This will give you confidence.

tell me a story
Ask your child to tell a favorite story in his own words or create a new one. It stimulates the imagination.

Exoneration of guilt
Play the "who's to blame" game by coming up with funny excuses for fictitious actions. This will develop a sense of humor.

Time for a movie
Set up a home theater - play your child's favorite cartoon, prepare popcorn. The movie will brighten up the day.

0 movies
Discuss the plots of famous films, come up with sequels. Talk about your favorite actors. It's an interesting pastime.

Lettering in the room
Invite your child to decorate the room with fun inscriptions and drawings. Let him be creative.

Box with buttons
Collect different buttons in a box. Let the child sort them by color, size, material. This will develop your thinking.

Rope stories
Tie knots on the rope, telling the story one by one. Each knot is a new plot twist. A fun activity.

Find a paired item
Play a game to find identical objects in a room. Whoever finds the most pairs wins. Trains observation skills.

Draw marks on the paper with chalk or paints. Figure out who they belong to. Will develop imagination.

Cleaning the house
Let your child help put things in order by putting toys in a box and folding clothes. Will feel useful.

Reading magazines
Read interesting children's magazines together, discussing the articles and stories you like. Have a good time.

Create a collage of clippings, drawings, photographs on a specific topic. This is exciting creativity.

Put it together
Offer to fold the picture cut into pieces. The more complex, the more interesting. Trains logic.

My magazine
Make a magazine together - illustrate, write interesting articles. Let the reb