Cheek Fat Body

The buccal fat pad is the fatty tissue located in the buccal region. It is one of the largest fatty bodies in the body and plays an important role in facial expression and elasticity of facial tissues. The fat pad consists of several layers of fatty tissue between the skin and the cheek muscle. It provides shock absorption and protection to the cheeks from injuries and impacts. The formation of the fat body occurs in childhood, and with age it can increase in size. The cheek fat pad is an important component of the face, so its health and beauty are of great importance to a person.

The cheek fat pad is a collection of fatty tissue in the buccal area of ​​the face, often called the cheek fat pad or buccal fat pad. This fabric consists of several layers that can be placed next to each other. In general, the fat pad is part of the head and neck. Its function is to provide stability and protection to bones,