
Man is the most widespread species on Earth and since ancient times has been an amazing and complex creature of nature with multifaceted character traits. To this day, it continues to amaze us with its features, and this article will allow you to look at it from the inside.

Man is the highest class of living beings on the planet, a unique unity of somatic and mental properties, which is inextricably linked by its origin with both mammals of the Hominid family and with representatives of the Primate order, providing the possibility for them to exhibit all the characteristics inherent in previous phylogenetic divisions. The existence of modern Man is usually called anthropogenesis, which was first described only in the 18th century. The question of what arose first - primitive man or human language remains open. Experts in the field of evolutionary theory cannot come to a consensus, without denying that the development of language occurred much earlier than the era of human development. Turning to the historical records of mummies, it is discovered that cave paintings containing sound symbols were created by people as early as Paleolithic times. Research also shows that sounds made by some creatures that are intelligible to others are the earliest form of verbal communication. However, the first forms of preordained gestural communication, which arose during the formation of social bonds between primates, appear

"Human" is the name of a type of species of the superfamily Apes, an order of primates. “Homo sapiens” literally translates as “reasonable man” and is found in scientific literature. The name “homo” means “man”, and the name “sapiens” characterizes the level of development of thinking - “reasonable”. Thus, the name does not indicate the “unreasonableness” of man.

A person has many interesting features, for example:

* Flexible and flexible spine. It can be held in a variety of positions, which is an important factor for people who prefer to spend their days active and exercise in any position. Unlike some animals, the spinal column is not connected to the skull, ensuring minimal chance of injury during movement. At the same time, walking upright does not put pressure on them. But still, a person should be careful and attentive to his condition: too sudden movements can result in intervertebral hernias or other back problems. This means that our bodies have greater flexibility and adaptability. However, as always in such cases, you should not overuse it. When playing sports, it is important to think not only about the results, but also about your health. 2. Fast and effective thinking. A person’s intellectual abilities are used as effectively as the system of relationships between nerve cells in the cerebral cortex allows. Thanks to this, human consciousness progresses at an amazing speed. Thinking is sometimes called verbal, that is, based on speech and language, but it can also be non-verbal. The latter involves using all our senses. They help us receive information (vision, smell, touch, hearing, taste). 3. Life expectancy. Perhaps this is one of the key indicators that allows us to draw a conclusion about how evolution is proceeding. Way