Chemical disasters

As a result of accidents at facilities producing or using highly toxic substances (STS), people working at the facility and the population living near the facility may suffer serious injuries.
ADVERS have a damaging effect on people when their vapors and aerosols enter the atmosphere, or when these substances spill on the ground and on various surfaces.
In case of accidents at a chemically hazardous facility, workers and employees of the facility are immediately notified.
Messages about a major chemical accident are conveyed in language using public radio and television broadcasting networks.
During the crash
Having heard a message about an accident, you need to put on respiratory protection, the simplest skin protection, and, if possible, quickly leave the area of ​​the accident. People in the houses close the windows and vents, completely seal the home, turn off heating devices and gas, and extinguish the fire in the fire pits.
While on the street, you do not need to enter the accident area and touch contaminated objects with your hands. To protect the respiratory system, gas masks (industrial, insulating), cotton-gauze bandages moistened with an appropriate solution, depending on the type of respiratory tract, or water are used.
The evacuation of the population from the area of ​​possible contamination with ADAS (if necessary) is carried out when a cloud of contaminated air approaches.
People gather, as a rule, in their homes and entrances.
At the facility where the accident occurred, first of all, work is underway to stop further release (impact) of the following:
• the damaged area is switched off;
• taps and other shut-off devices are closed;
• patches and couplings are applied to gaps formed in pipelines and containers, and plugs are clogged;
• SDYAV is pumped from damaged containers to undamaged ones;
• if necessary, preparation, excavation and installation of earthen ramparts are carried out. The area is cordoned off by public order units.
When eliminating the consequences of an accident
During work in the source of damage to SDYV, the following safety requirements must be strictly followed:
• all people participating in the work are supplied with gas masks and protective clothing;
• if necessary, they are given individual anti-chemical packages and individual first aid kits (AI-2);
• each of them must be able to use
personal and medical protective equipment;
• before starting work, a thorough briefing is provided;
• after completion of work, special processing is carried out.
For the population that continues to work or for any reason live in the contaminated area, special modes of life are established to ensure their complete safety.
The population remaining in the zone of possible infection must, at least for the period of passage of the primary cloud, stay in their residential or office premises and take measures to seal them. However, after the passage of the first cloud under the prevailing chemical circumstances, it is necessary to quickly resolve the issue of ensuring the protection of people using personal protective equipment or evacuation.