Heart failure

Anatomical and physiological explanation of cardiac arrest
Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating or its contractions become too irregular or weak to circulate blood normally. Breathing stops after cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is a crisis -
Noy, because the vital organs are vital only for a few minutes without presenting oxygenated blood.
Causes of cardiac arrest
Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of cardiac arrest. Drowning, suffocation and certain types of drugs can cause breathing to stop, which in turn causes the heart to stop beating. Severe chest injuries or severe bleeding can also cause poor heart function. When an electric shock occurs, the heart's own electrical activity is disrupted, which can cause it to stop.
Signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest
• Lack of consciousness.
• Lack of breathing.
• No pulse.
Although cardiac arrest is sometimes the result of a heart attack, it can occur suddenly, without any accompanying signs and symptoms of a heart attack. This is called sudden death.