
Cap: traditional headband

A cap is a traditional headband that is part of the national culture of many countries. This bandage usually consists of a soft bandage that is placed over the head and secured with a strip tied around the chin. All rounds of the bandage pass under this strip, covering the scalp.

Bonnets are used by both men and women, and they come in different shapes and sizes depending on the region and national culture. In some countries such as India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkmenistan, caps are an integral part of traditional clothing.

In India, for example, caps are called "pagdi" or "turban" and are worn as a symbol of religion and culture. They are part of the traditional clothing for men in many regions of India such as Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat. In Iran, the cap is called “rusari” and is a mandatory attribute for women when visiting mosques.

Caps have not only cultural but also practical significance, protecting the head from the sun and dust in hot and dusty conditions. They can also be used to camouflage hair during religious rites or ceremonies.

In today's world, as fashion and culture become more integrated, bonnets have also become popular among people who want to express their individuality or simply add a little exoticism to their look.

Thus, the cap is not only a headband, but also a symbol of culture and tradition. It continues to be an important part of national dress and attracts the attention of people from all over the world with its unique and striking appearance.

Bonnets are one of the most common headdresses in the world, used by both nobles and clergy. They come in a variety of shapes and colors, and have a wide range of uses from medical to beauty. In this article we will look at the history of the origin, evolution and modern use of chape.