Bird cherry

Bird cherry is a medicinal plant that is widely used in medicine to treat various diseases. It belongs to a group of plants that have astringent properties. Bird cherry is produced by Ivan-chai (Russia) and Firma Zdorovye (Russia).

The main active components of bird cherry include tannins (gallic acid), organic acids (salicylic and ascorbic acids), flavonoid compounds (quercetin and catechin) and other biologically active substances.

Bird cherry has a number of indications for use, including diarrhea, colitis, gastroenteritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, it should be remembered that bird cherry should not be consumed if the patient has an allergic reaction to this plant or other plants of the Rosaceae family.

There are usually no contraindications to the use of bird cherry, with the exception of individual intolerance to its components