
Sialorrhea is usually called an inflammatory process that affects the salivary glands and causes excessive formation of a liquid substance or, conversely, insufficient formation. Usually, as the disease develops, either the volume of saliva produced increases, or dryness of the mucous membranes occurs, often turning into microcracks. In this case, the person complains of a burning sensation in the mouth and other unpleasant sensations.

The main cause of the disease is iron deficiency. There are a number of other factors that can cause inflammation of the salivary glands in adults:

- mechanical damage to mucous membranes; - smoking, alcohol abuse; - hormonal disorders and problems of the neuroendocrine system;

The treatment and diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands is carried out by a dental surgeon. He may prescribe additional tests if more serious pathologies are suspected. Symptoms of inflammation in sialorrhea depend on the form of the disease: dry mouth - stomatitis; swelling, hyperemia, pain (in the parotid area) - mumps (inflammation of the salivary gland); loss of taste, pain localized in the vestibule of the mouth, mostly one-sided - mandibulitis (inflammation of the sublingual gland, extremely rare). Why is it necessary to see a doctor urgently? Saliva is constantly released, depleting the body's reserves. Inflammation of the salivary glands occurs sharply: both glands become ill at the same time, or in one day, first one other, which may indicate oncological pathology. Depending on the severity of the process, treatment may include only antibiotics or injections, or excision of the diseased gland. Therefore, under no circumstances should you waste time and self-medicate. Do not delay your visit to a specialist, otherwise you will have to pay much more.