Skull Brachycephalic

Brachycephalic skull: features and significance

Brachycephalic skull is a skull characterized by a short head shape and a wide cranium. The name "brachycephalic" comes from the Greek words "brachys" - short and "kephale" - head.

The brachycephalic skull has a number of unique features. This mainly concerns the shape of the head and the location of the skull bones. The head of brachycephalic animals has a wide, rounded shape, with a short length. The skull is also wide and short, resulting in a shorter distance between the eyes and ears, as well as a smaller nasal cavity.

The brachycephalic skull is found in many dog ​​breeds, such as pugs, bulldogs, Boston terriers, shih tzus and others. It is also seen in some cats, such as Persian and Himalayan breeds.

However, while the brachycephalic skull may be attractive to many pet owners, it is also associated with a number of health concerns. A short skull shape often leads to joint dysplasia, breathing problems, airway obstruction, dental pathology and other diseases.

Additionally, brachycephalic breeds often have difficulty regulating their body temperature, which can lead to overheating in hot weather. In connection with all these problems, owners of brachycephalic breeds should pay special attention to the health of their pets and follow the recommendations of veterinarians.

In conclusion, the Brachycephalic skull is not only a unique feature of many dog ​​and cat breeds, but also the cause of a number of health-related problems related to breathing, teeth, and joints. Therefore, if you are the owner of a brachycephalic breed, you need to pay special attention to the health of your pet and promptly consult a veterinarian.

Brachycephalic skull: features and causes of development. Two thirds of young children have various anomalies of the skull. Often its shape and size may be disrupted. One of the most common pathologies is the brachycephalic skull. Features of the brain are present immediately after the birth of the baby, when even specialists cannot always identify such a pathology as Peacham syndrome. Only by the age of 5 is the head round shape of the skull revealed without a convexity in the occipital part of the skull, which is characteristic of a child with anomalies of the skull bones. In addition, the baby's head becomes smaller in volume. At the age of 2-3 months, the skull becomes short relative to the proportions of other parts of the head. The older the child becomes, the more difficult it becomes to identify it, as a result of which the percentage of detection of such a disease increases only by school age. Basically, the pathology manifests itself immediately at birth, so that its presence is recorded by a pediatrician and neurologist.

The skull is called brachycephalic if it has a rounded shape, with a flattened crown, which leads to the appearance of signs of hydrocephalus or dropsy of the brain. This type of skull is fixed at the time of birth. The head size becomes smaller. The causes of this pathology are heredity and exposure to toxic factors during intrauterine development. Often, pathology develops due to underdevelopment of the fontanelle at the first stage of fetal development. If the doctor hears strong noisy breathing of the baby when palpating the skull, in this case it will be necessary to check the indicators of perinatal hypoxia. Some children have pronounced symptoms of intracranial hemorrhage, and in others the problem appears more slowly. Specialists check the development of the head bones using ultrasound. At the moment, this type of check is considered the most optimal and informative. It is ultrasound that makes it possible to notice a decrease in the density of the substance in case of an abnormal shape of the head, which is inherent in the head of a small baby. If a specialist notices dense bone substance of the skull, the diameter of which differs from normal sizes, this may indicate osteo